chimamanda adichie she is a afrecaan amarican . wean she was 4 she starded to read .wean she was 7 she starded riding stories .the only cand of books she read was amarican books and only waet pepole wer in the books . then she found books that wer afrecan amarican . wean she was in college her romat that she was not going to now how to speak in englesh . in college her prefesor was saing that the books she mad wer not good . he was thanking that her stores wer abaut pournes and about africa not a baut the amasing thangs that she made the book abaut .on her triep to mexico she sall that pepol wer crasing the bordor .and well she fellt bad because she was being liek her romaet.
what does it mean to have a single story about a place or community
- Describe a single story you have heard told about your community.
- What is missing from that story?
- How could people learn more about that community?
- Describe a single story you have heard about another community.
- How did you learn that story?
- How could you find out more about that community?
- How could a game let players experience